Thursday, March 1, 2007

Coming Soon

"Soldier Behind the Bronze Mask"
-In the military of Zanotopia, the story of a soldier that wears a half bronze mask and his inward struggle of how he chose to fight for the country and Her Princess in a same battle and yet facing different enemies.

"Lady of Peace 3"
-A fresh outlook at the dynamism and charm of the little girl and how she creates a positive influence to those around her. A true account of how she fuses her powerful voice and a sweet smile in encouraging people and creating a driving force behind the efforts laboured into CA.

"Sword and Scimtar"
-A friendship tested by the difference in ideologies and religion, standing the test of time and fire, the trials from within and the external forces.

"Tash's Letter"
-A final letter from Tash to her daughter, a final sequel of Her Little Glass Heart (January 2007) and When I was Asleep (February 2007)

In case you find this lame, just allow me to justify this as a way of reminding myself to not lose the ideas and inspirations behind the posts on this blog. (Yes, I know, some of it - or most of it, whatever you think - may be lame. But I'm doing my best)

Keep commenting and criticising it, and I'll keep improving. Thanks for your support, one way or the other. I'm entering the 3rd month of blogging, and it's been a journey that I've never looked back so far.


kedekut said...

Not forgetting yourself too...

"Violinist Anatomist"
-The CA boss who fuses his musical talent into an annointed worship session.

HeartzOfGold said...

haha.. spare me man..

or probably..

'My 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread'.

Maybe.. thanks for the thought.. =D

Evee said...

I thought it was four...


Sihan said...

Anonymous said...

not going to say who i am but see if u can guess.

HeartzOfGold said...

nope..can't really guess.who's there?

Anonymous said...

someone who u never stop reminding to read ur blog

Anonymous said...

First and formally, this comment is meant for the post entitled "lady of peace 3". I had to post it here because try as i might, i could not post a comment at that post.

I have nothing to do but to comment on this blog. This is all I have to say:
I have never heard your singing before (as I live in Melacca haha), but if u tell yourself that your own singing is bad, then do something about it larr......keep practicing......

**insert name**
(formally known as king mickey)