Thursday, March 27, 2008

Because it Hurts to Speak the Truth

Years of experience with working with people, living with people, being in different levels of relationship, reading socio-political books on policy and decision making of nations, taught me, that sometimes, you don't speak the truth.

Because the truth, could sometimes damage status quo. Status quo could be, you might be at the losing end - or in my case, I would always be at the losing end - but you still don't speak up your frustrations or your anger or your pain because by doing that, you lose the trust that you have, you lose respect, you lose the confidence that people have in you. Thus, you just keep it in you, to prevent further damage or loss, although technically you're already losing most of it.

Because the truth, would mean that you are learning to move on and to get along with the worst of situations and the toughest circumstances. Yes, it's difficult to be always the one running away from the truth; yes, it's never easy to put on a smile while being with people that keep reminding you of the status quo; but yes, it too reminds you that God's still with you, that the same Him that was with Job, the same Him that was with Jesus in the garden, is still with me.

To put it simply, because the truth, all the time, hurts when spoken. The truth itself already hurts, to speak it up hurts even more, and it keeps reminding you of what you're losing, so you just refuse to remind yourself about it.

I, for one, refuse to be hurt anymore. Yet the choice of being hurt, more often than not, was never a choice in the first place.

Just whining over here, do enjoy the next story.


Sihan said...

Truth, is a Holy Grail everyone is seeking for. But at the end of the quest, do we always get what we want? Will we be satisfied with our finding?

It's true that truth always hurts. However, truth brings lesson. No matter how painful a truth can be, it always makes us grow.

Truth, as cliche claims, as bitter as a good remedy. Yet, many people never get tired in finding that? Why? Because although truth hurts,

Ignorance kills.

wtze said...

the truth, is never easily told. if it were, then we wouldn't need to dwell in lies and the term "half truth" will not even exist.
yes, we can always tell ourselves that its okay to go against status quo but it is always, always easier said than done.
sometimes, somethings are just better left unsaid.

TnT said...

Hey bro... Juz dropping by to say hi... N to see whether u are still ok anot... Hope u are still working as well as the Joash i noe... Lolz... Cheer up man...

Anonymous said...

The bitter truth undoubtedly hurts but doesn't kill as ignorance does. Its kind to be cruel if it facilitates a change for the better, to get out of the complacent comfort zone. The so called kindness may ironically be cruel especially when it is inherently insincere.