She's small, petite, cute, fizzy hair, smart, slim and skinny.. and yes, round nose. Her name means peace.
She's Erin. A partner in CA, a coursemate in ALM.
A friend. Good friend.
First met her in our inaugural CA for the first semester back in 2006. Back then I thought I've seen her before, but never had much thought about it. Then when I finally met her in CA, I decided, it's time to get to know her.
"Hi, I'm Joash." smile, hand extended.
"Hey, I'm Erin." a broad grin, she too extended her hand and shook mine. Firmly and surely. That was the beginning of a close cooperation in the service of God.
What struck me about her back then was, she's so cute! Seriously I'm yet to meet girl as small size as her who can make funny noises and has a million expressions to drive a point across. Shuush.. That's one of the many expressions she frequently uses to describe her frustration.
More than originality, it's sincerity. Not only in the way she prepares her notes, but also in the way she does her notes and in the way she handles CA.
She's the lady chief for CA, meaning that she's in charge of the girls section and cell. What amazes me the most is the way she can juggle business with personal things. 3 or 4 girls will just approach her at one same time with transpotation problem, personal problems, enquiries about cell group and advices for certain things. Her ability to handle all of that at one same time is just.. just.. stunningly amazing. You'd have to see it for yourself to believe it. (Knowing all of you, it will only take the eyes to convince you of spoken words right?)
A great partner to the committees, a responsible leader and a dedicated servant of the Lord. What's above it all, is her commitment to her responsibility and role as a friend.
Always there when you need someone to talk to.
Always available when you need godly advice from someone.
Always open to the many problems that you need to solve.
Always able to restore the smile on the face when it's lost in struggles.
Still and through it all, she's always a little girl in her many ways. She'll just shriek upon seeing cute guys in posters, frisk through fashion magazine and condemn the poor-taste-fashion dreses, whack the guys that sit beside her if they were to bully her.
Well well, some things just don't change. But maybe, that's what that makes her a true lady of peace, from within and with people around her.
hah! blogging while you suppose to be studying huh.. haha.. nice entry bout your 'other half; in God's business.. see ya soon duting Worship Prac. Was surfing the net and decided to check on any updates.. lo n behold..
Erin has a blessed voice too.
An annointed worship leader who sings praise songs from her heart and memory.
Does not get annoyed even though several INTEC scholars inadvertently call her Irene.
ei, duno what to say la. feel so paiseh lar.... feel like kinda exaggerated...haha... well its an honour to be your buddy and workin with ya in ca! here's to a new year and a new legacy! haha... *shuusshhhh* sweet of my JUNIORS..
lo n behold...
this is good stuff to show ur seniorS..and more seniorS..
the juniors are now teaching the seniors something..
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